Akdağ, M., T. A. Pedersen, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2024). A Decision Support System for Autonomous Ship Trajectory Planning. Ocean Engineering 292, 116562. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.116562
Degorre, L., T. I. Fossen, E. Delaleau and O. Chocron (2024). A Virtual Reference Point Kinematic Guidance Law for 3-D Path-Following of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. IEEE Access 12, 109822-109831. Open Access doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3440659
Degorre, L., T. I. Fossen, O. Chocron and E. Delaleau (2024). A Model-Based Kinematic Guidance Method for Control of Underactuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Control Engineering Practice 152, 106068. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2024.106068
Fossen, T. I. and A. P. Aguiar (2024). A Uniform Semiglobal Exponential Stable Adaptive Line-of-Sight (ALOS) Guidance Law for 3-D Path Following. Automatica 163, 111556. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111556
Conference Papers
Grgičević, L., E. M. Coates, R. T. Bye, T. I. Fossen and O. Osen (2024). Towards Decision Support in Vessel Guidance Using Multi-Agent Modelling. 22nd European Control Conference (ECC), Stockholm, Sweden, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1131-1138. Preprintdoi.org/10.23919/ECC64448.2024.10591229
Røang, S. T., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2024). Performance of Ship Navigation Wave Filters with Low Encounter Frequency in Following Seas. 15th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles (CAMS), Blacksburg, Virginia, USA , IFAC-PapersOnline 58(20), pp. 107-114. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.10.040
Dirdal, J. A., R. Skjetne, J. Rohac and T. I. Fossen (2023). A Phase-Time-Path-Difference Approach for Online Wave Direction and Wave Number Estimation from Measured Ship Motions in Zero and Forward Speed using a Single Inertial Measurement Unit. Ocean Engineering 288, 116131. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.116131
Fossen, T. I. (2023). An Amplitude-Phase Representation of the North-East-Down Kinematic Differential Equations. IEEE Access 11, 12586-12592. Open Access doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3242331
Fossen, T. I. (2023). An Adaptive Line-of-sight (ALOS) Guidance Law for Path Following
of Aircraft and Marine Craft. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 31(6), 2887-2894. Open Access doi.org/10.1109/TCST.2023.3259819
Fossen, T. I. (2023). Feedback Error-state Kalman Filter with Time-delay Compensation for Hydroacoustic-aided Inertial Navigation of Underwater Vehicles. Control Engineering Practice 138, 105603. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2023.105603
Skulstad, R.,G. Li, T. I. Fossen and H. Zhang (2023). Constrained Control Allocation For Dynamic Ship Positioning Using Deep Neural Network. Ocean Engineering 279, 1-14. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114434
Solnør, P., S. Petrovic and T. I. Fossen (2023). Towards Oblivious Guidance Systems for Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72(6), 7067-7081. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TVT.2023.3237892
Tran, C., I. Gushkov, K. Nordvik, S. T. Røang, S. B. Lysthaug, B. Ommanic, T. I. Fossen, V. Hassani, V. Smines and T. A. Johansen (2023). Operability Analysis of Control System for ROV Launch-and-Recovery from Autonomous Surface Vessel. Ocean Engineering 277, 1-14. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114272
Volden, Ø., A. Stahl and T. I. Fossen (2023). Development and Experimental Validation of Visual-Inertial Navigation for Auto-Docking of Unmanned Surface Vehicles. IEEE Access 11, 45688-45710. Open Access doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3274597
Volden, Ø., D. Cabecinhas, A. Pascoal and T. I. Fossen (2023). Development and Experimental Evaluation of Visual-acoustic Navigation for Safe Maneuvering of Unmanned Surface Vehicles in Harbor and Waterway Areas. Ocean Engineering 280, 1-14. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114675
Conference Papers
Coates, E. M., T. Hamel and T. I. Fossen (2023). Almost Global Three-Dimensional Path-Following Guidance Law for Arbitrary Curved Paths. 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Singapore, IEEE Xplore, pp. 2630-2636. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10384138
Dallolio, A., H. Øveraas, J. A. Alfredsen, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2022). Design and Validation of a Course Control System for a Wave-Propelled Unmanned Surface Vehicle. Field Robotics 2, 774-806. Open Access doi.org/10.55417/fr.2022025
Dirdal, J., R. Skjetne, J. Rohac and T. I. Fossen (2022). Online Wave Direction and Wave Number Estimation from Surface Vessel Motions using Distributed Inertial Measurement Arrays and Phase-Time-Path-Differences. Ocean Engineering 249. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.110760
Fossen, T. I. (2022). Line-of-sight Path-following Control utilizing an Extended Kalman Filter for Estimation of Speed and Course over Ground from GNSS Positions. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 27, 806–813. Open Access doi.org/10.1007/s00773-022-00872-y
Solnør, P., Ø. Volden, K. Gryte, S. Petrovic and T. I. Fossen (2022). Hijacking of Unmanned Surface Vehicles: A Demonstration of Attacks and Countermeasures in the Field. Journal of Field Robotics 39(5), 631-649. Open Access doi.org/10.1002/rob.22068
Conference Papers
Akdağ, M.,T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2022). Collaborative Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Ships Using Informed Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control. 14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics and Vehicles, Lyngby, Denmark, IFAC-PapersOnline 55(31), pp. 249-256. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.439
Coates, E. M. and T. I. Fossen (2021). Geometric Reduced-Attitude Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs. Applied Sciences 11(7), 1-35. Open Access doi.org/10.3390/app11073147
Fossen, S. and T. I. Fossen (2021). Five-state Extended Kalman Filter for Estimation of Speed Over Ground (SOG), Course Over Ground (COG) and Course Rate of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs): Experimental Results. Sensors 21(23). Open Access doi.org/10.3390/s21237910
Halvorsen, H. S., H. Øveraas, O. Landstad, V. Smines, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2021). Wave Motion Compensation in Dynamic Positioning of Small Autonomous Vessels. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 26, 693–712. Open Access doi.org/10.1007/s00773-020-00765-y
Leira, F. S., H. H. Helgesen, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2021). Object Detection, Recognition and Tracking from UAVs using a Thermal Camera. Journal of Field Robotics 38(2), 242-267. Open Access doi.org/10.1002/rob.21985
Rogne, R., T H. Bryne, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2021). On the Usage of Low-Cost MEMS Sensors, Strapdown Inertial Navigation and Nonlinear Estimation Techniques in Dynamic Positioning. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 46(1), 24-39. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/JOE.2020.2967094
Skulstad, R., G. Li, T. I. Fossen, B. Vik and H. Zhang (2021). A Hybrid Approach to Motion Prediction for Ship Docking - Integration of a Neural Network Model into the Ship Dynamic Model. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement 70, 1-11. Open Access doi.org/10.1109/TIM.2020.3018568
Skulstad, R., G. Li, T. I. Fossen, T. Wang and H. Zhang (2021). A Co-operative Hybrid Model For Ship Motion Prediction. Modeling, Identification and Control. Modelling, Identification and Control 42(1), 17-26. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2021.1.2
Vagale, A., R. Oucheikh, R. T. Bye, O. L. Osen and T. I. Fossen (2021). Path Planning and Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Surface Vehicles I: A Review. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 26, 1292–1306. Open Access doi.org/10.1007/s00773-020-00787-6
Vagale, A., R. Oucheikh, R. T. Bye, O. L. Osen and T. I. Fossen (2021). Path Planning and Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Surface Vehicles II: A Review. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 26, 1307–1323. Open Access doi.org/10.1007/s00773-020-00790-x
Volden, Ø., A. Stahl and T. I. Fossen (2021). Vision-Based Positioning System for Auto-Docking of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs). International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications 5, 86–103. Open Access doi.org/10.1007/s41315-021-00193-0
Volden, Ø., P. Solnør, S. Petrovic and T. I. Fossen (2021). Secure and Efficient Transmission of Vision-Based Feedback Control Signals. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 103(26). Open Access doi.org/10.1007/s10846-021-01472-5
Xu, H., T. I. Fossen and C. Guedes Soares (2021). Uniformly Semiglobally Exponential Stability of Vector Field Guidance Law and Autopilot for Path Following. European Journal of Control 53, 88-97. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.ejcon.2019.09.007
Conference Papers
Coates, E. M. L., D. P. Reinhardt and T. I. Fossen (2021). Reduced-Attitude Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Geometric Methods on the Two-Sphere. IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, IFAC-PapersOnLine 53(2), pp. 5749-5756. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1606
Dallolio, A., J. A. Alfredsen, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2021). Experimental Validation of a Nonlinear Wave Encounter Frequency Estimator Onboard a Wave-Propelled USV. IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, Oldenburg, Germany, IFAC-PapersOnLine 54(16), pp. 188-194. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.10.092
Book Chapters
Johansen, T.A. and T. I. Fossen (2020). Guidance, Navigation, and Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In: Ang M., O. Khatib and B. Siciliano (eds). Encyclopedia of Robotics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41610-1_67-1
Borup, K. T., B. N. Stovner, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2020). Kalman Filters for Air Data System Bias Correction for a Fixed-Wing UAV. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28(6), 2164-2176. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TCST.2019.2931672
Borup, K. T., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2020). A Machine Learning Approach for Estimating Air Data Parameters of Small Fixed-Wing UAVs Using Distributed Pressure Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56(3), 2157-2173. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TAES.2019.2945383
Jørgensen, E. K., T. I Fossen, T. H. Bryne and I. Scjølberg (2020). Underwater Position and Attitude Estimation Using Acoustic, Inertial and Depth Measurements. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 45(4), 1450-1465. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/JOE.2019.2933883
Klausen, K., C. Meissen, T. I. Fossen, M. Arcak and T. I. Johansen (2020). Cooperative Control for Multirotors Transporting an Unknown Suspended Load under Environmental Disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28(2), 653-660. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TCST.2018.2876518
Hansen, J. M., T. A. Johansen, N. Sokolova and T. I. Fossen (2019). Nonlinear Observer for Tightly Coupled Integrated Inertial Navigation Aided by RTK-GNSS Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27(3), 1084-1099. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TCST.2017.2785840
Kayacan, E. and T. I. Fossen (2019). Feedback Lineariztion Control for Systems with Mismatched Uncertainties via Disturbance Observers. Asian Journal of Control 21(3), 1064-1076. Preprintdoi.org/10.1002/asjc.1802
Skulstad, R., G. Li, T. I. Fossen, B. Vik and H. Zhang (2019). Dead Reckoning of Dynamically Positioned Ships using an Efficient Recurrent Neural Network. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 26(3), 39-51. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/MRA.2019.2918125
Conference Papers
Mathisen, P. H. and T. I. Fossen (2019). Robust Navigation System for UAVs in GNSS- and Magnetometer-Denied Environments. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Atlanta, GA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1416-1424. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2019.8797933
Book Chapters
Fossen, T. I., and K. Y. Pettersen (2018). Modeling of Underwater Vehicles. In: Ang, M, O. Khatib and B. Sicilano (eds.). Encyclopedia of Robotics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41610-1_12-1
Pettersen, K. Y. and T. I. Fossen (2018). Guidance of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. In: Ang, M, O. Khatib and B. Sicilano (eds.). Encyclopedia of Robotics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41610-1_11-1
Bryne, T. H., H. R. Rogne, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2018). A Virtual Vertical Reference Concept for Aided Inertial Navigation at the Sea Surface. Control Engineering Practice 70, 1-14. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2017.09.009
Fossen, S. and T. I. Fossen (2018). eXogenous Kalman Filter (XKF) for Visualization and Motion Prediction of Ships using Live Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) Data. Modeling, Identification and Control 39(4), 233–244. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2018.4.1
Fusini, L., T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen (2018). Nonlinear Observers for GNSS- and Camera-Aided Inertial Navigation of a Fixed-Wing UAV. IEEE Transactions of Control Systems Technology 26(5), 1884-1891. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TCST.2017.2735363
Helgesen, H. H., F. S. Leira, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2018). Tracking of Ocean Surface Objects from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with a Pan/Tilt Unit using a Thermal Camera. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic System 91, 775–793. Preprintdoi.org/10.1007/s10846-017-0722-3
Jørgensen, E. K., T. I. Fossen, I. Schjølberg and P. T. T. Esperanca (2018). Experimental Validation of Attitude and Rate-Sensor Bias Filter using Range-Difference Measurements. Control Engineering Practice 73, 112-123. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2018.01.002
Klausen, K., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2018). Autonomous Recovery of a Fixed-Wing UAV Using a Net Suspended by Two Multirotor UAVs. Journal of Field Robotics 35(5), 717- 731. Preprintdoi.org/10.1002/rob.21772
Rogne, R. H., T. H. Bryne, T. I.Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2018). Redudant MEMS-based Inertial Navigation using Nonlinear Observers. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control 140(7). Preprintdoi.org/10.1115/1.4038647
Stovner, B. N., T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen and I. Schjølberg (2018). Attitude Estimation by Multiplicative eXogenous Kalman Filter. Automatica 95, 347-355. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2018.05.038
Conference Papers
Fossen, S. and T. I. Fossen (2018). Extended Kalman Filter Design and Motion Prediction of Ships using Live Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data. 2nd European Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Bern, Switzerland, IEEE Xplore, pp. 464-470. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/EECS.2018.00092
Gryte, K., R. Hann, M. Alam, J. Rohác, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2018). Aerodynamic modeling of the Skywalker X8 Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Dallas, TX, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 826-835. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2018.8453370
Skulstad, R., G. Li, H. Zhang and T. I. Fossen (2018). A Neural Network Approach to Control Allocation of Ships for Dynamic Positioning. IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Opatija, Croatia, IFAC-PapersOnLine 51(29), pp. 128-133. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.09.481
Fusini, L., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2017). Nonlinear Camera-Based INS for Fixed-Wing UAV using the eXogenous Kalman Filter. In: Fossen, T. I., K. Y. Pettersen and H. Nijmeijer (eds.). Sensing and Control for Autonomous Vehicles: Applications to Land, Water and Air Vehicles, Springer, pp. 25-40. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55372-6_2
Helgesen, H. H., F. S. Leira, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2017). Detection and Tracking of Floating Objects using an UAV with Thermal Camera. In: Fossen, T. I., K. Y. Pettersen and H. Nijmeijer (eds.). Sensing and Control for Autonomous Vehicles: Applications to Land, Water and Air Vehicles, Springer, pp. 25-40. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55372-6_14
Bryne, T. H., J.M. Hansen, R.H. Rogne, N. Sokolova, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2017). Nonlinear Observers for Integrated INS/GNSS Navigation: Implementation Aspects. IEEE Control Systems Magazine 27(3), 59-86. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/MCS.2017.2674458
Bryne, T. H., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2017). Design of Inertial Navigation Systems for Marine Vessels with Adaptive Wave Filtering aided by Triple-Redundant Sensor Packages. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 31(4), 522-544. Preprintdoi.org/10.1002/acs.2645
Hansen, J. M., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen. (2017). Nonlinear Observer Design for GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation Systems with Time-Delayed GNSS Measurements. Control Engineering Practice 60, 39-50. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2016.11.016
Johansen, T. A., ,T. I. Fossen and J. M. Hansen (2017). Nonlinear Observer for Tightly Integrated Inertial Navigation Aided by Pseudo-Range MeasurementsNonlinear Observer for Tightly Integrated. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control 139(1). Preprintdoi.org/10.1115/1.4034496
Klausen, K., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen. (2017). Nonlinear Control With Swing Damping of a Multirotor UAV with Suspended Load. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 88(2), 379-394. Preprintdoi.org/10.1007/s10846-017-0509-6
Rohác, J., J. M. Hansen, M. Alam, M. Šipoš, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen. (2017). Validation of Nonlinear Integrated Navigation Solutions. Annual Reviews in Control 43, 91-106. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.arcontrol.2017.03.006
Conference Papers
Bryne, T. H., R.H. Rogne, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2017). Inertial Sensors for Risk-Based Redundancy in Dynamic Positioning. 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Trondheim, Norway, ASME. Preprintdoi.org/10.1115/OMAE2017-61290
Fusini, L., T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2017). Dead Reckoning of a Fixed-Wing UAV with Inertial Navigation Aided by Optical Flow. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Miami, FL, USA, IEEE, pp. 1250-1259. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2017.7991433
Gryte, K., J. M. Hansen, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2017). Robust Navigation of UAV using Inertial Sensors Aided by UWB and RTK GPS. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, Grapevine, TX, USA, AIAA, pp. 1-16. Preprintdoi.org/10.2514/6.2017-1035
Leira, F. S., T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2017). A UAV Ice Tracking Framework for Autonomous Sea Ice Management. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Miami, FL, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 581-590. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2017.7991435
Meissen, C., K. Klausen, M. Arcak, T. I. Fossen and A. K. Packard (2017). Passivity-based Formation Control for UAVs with a Suspended Load. 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, IFAC-PapersOnLine 50(1), pp. 13150-13155. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.2169
Olofsson, J., T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2017). Spatially Indexed Clustering for Scalable Tracking of Remotely Sensed Drift Ice. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-13. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/AERO.2017.7943670
Book Chapters
Antonelli, G., T. I. Fossen and D. Yoerger (2016). Modeling and Control of Underwater Robotics. In: Siciliano B., and O. Khatib (eds.). Springer Handbook of Robotics, 2nd edition, pp. 1285–1306. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-32552-1_51
Fossen, T. I. and T. Perez (2016). Model-based Ship Motion Control Design. in: Dern, J.C., J.-M. Quenez and P. A. Wilson (eds.). Compendium of Ship Hydrodynamics. Practical Tools and Application. Les Presses de l'ENSTA.
Grip, H. F., T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen and A. Saberi (2016). Nonlinear Observer for Attitude, Position and Velocity: Theory and Experiments. In: Fourati, H. and D. C. Belkhia (eds.). Multisensor Attitude Estimation. CRC Press, pp. 291-314.
Hansen, J. M., J. Rohác, M. Šipoš, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2016). Validation and Experimental Testing of Observers for Robust GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation. In: Wang, G. (ed.). Recent Advances in Robotic Systems. InTech, Vienna. Open Access doi.org/10.5772/63575
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2016). Hydrodynamic Models for Motion Control. in: Dern, J.C., J.-M. Quenez and P. A. Wilson (eds.). Compendium of Ship Hydrodynamics. Practical Tools and Application. Les Presses de l'ENSTA.
Fossen, T. I. (2016). [People in Control]. IEEE Control Systems Magazine 36(3), 21-24. Open Access doi.org/10.1109/MCS.2016.2536038
Hosen, J., H. H. Helgesen, L. Fusini, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2016). Vision-aided Nonlinear Observer for Fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 39(8). Preprintdoi.org/10.2514/1.G000281
Johansen, T. A. and T. I. Fossen. (2016). Nonlinear Observer for Tightly Coupled Integration of Pseudorange and Inertial Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24(6), 2199- 2206. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TCST.2016.2524564
Johansen, T. A., T. I. Fossen and G. Goodwin (2016). Three-Stage Filter for Position Estimation using Pseudo-Range Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 52(4), 1631-1643. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TAES.2016.150362
Conference Papers
Borup, K. T., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2016). A Nonlinear Model-Based Wind Velocity Observer for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control System (NOLCOS), Monterey, CA, USA, IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(18), pp. 276-283. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.177
Bryne, T. H, R. H. Rogne, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2016). Attitude and Heave Determination on Ships using MEMS-based Inertial Measurements. 10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Trondheim, Norway, IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(23), pp. 568-575. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.496
Hansen, J. M., T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2016). Tightly Coupled Integrated Inertial and Real-Time- Kinematic Positioning Approach Using Nonlinear Observer. American Control Conference (ACC), Boston, MA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 5511-5518. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ACC.2016.7526534
Helgesen, H. H., F. S. Leira, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen. (2016). Tracking of Marine Surface Objects from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with a Pan/Tilt Unit using a Thermal Camera and Optical Flow. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Arlington, VA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 107-117. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2016.7502581
Hosen, J., H. H. Helgesen, L. Fusini, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2016). A Vision-aided Nonlinear Observer for Fixed-wing UAV Navigation. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, AIAA. Preprintdoi.org/10.2514/6.2016-2091
Johansen, T. A. and T. I. Fossen (2016). Nonlinear Filering with eXogenous Kalman Filter and Double Kalman Filter. European Control Conference (ECC), Aalborg, Denmark, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1722-1727. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ECC.2016.7810539
Klausen, K., J. B. Moe, J. C. van den Hoorn, A. Gomola, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2016). Coordinated Control Concept for Recovery of a Fixed-Wing UAV on a Ship using a Net Carried by Multirotor UAVs. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Arlington, VA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 964-973. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2016.7502640
Mathisen, S. H., K. Gryte, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2016). Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Longitudinal and Lateral Guidance of a Small Fixed-Wing UAV in Precision Deep Stall Landing. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, San Diego, CA, USA, AIAA, pp. 1-16. Preprintdoi.org/10.2514/6.2016-0512
Moe, S., K. Y. Pettersen, T. I. Fossen and J. T. Gravdahl (2016). Line-of-Sight Curved Path Following for Underactuated USVs and AUVs in the Horizontal Plane under the influence of Ocean Currents. 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), Athens, Greece, IEEE Xplore, pp. 38-45. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/MED.2016.7536018
Rogne, R. H., T. H. Bryne, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen. (2016). Fault Detection in Lever-arm-compensated Position References System based on Attitude Estimates and Inertial Measurements in Dynamic Positioning. American Control Conference (ACC), Boston, MA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 985-992. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ACC.2016.7525043
Rogne, R. H., T. H. Bryne, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2016). MEMS-based Inertial Navigation on Dynamically Positioned Ships: Dead Reckoning. 10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Trondheim, Norway, IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(23), pp. 139-146. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.334
Stovner, B., T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen and I. Schjølberg. (2016). Three-stage Filter for Position and Velocity Estimation from Long Baseline Measurements with Unknown Wave Speed. American Control Conference (ACC), Boston, MA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4532-4538. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ACC.2016.7526066
Book Chapters
Fossen, T. I. (2015). Mathematical Models of Ships and Underwater Vehicles. In: Samad T., and J. Baillieul (eds.). Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Springer, London. doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_121-2
Belleter, D. J., R. Galeazzi and T. I. Fossen (2015). Experimenal Verification of a Globally Exponentially Stable Nonlinear Wave Encounter Frequency Estimator. Ocean Engineering 97(15), 48–56. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2014.12.030
Fossen, T. I. and A. Lekkas (2015). Direct and Indirect Adaptive Integral Line-of-Sight Path-Following Controllers for Marine Craft Exposed to Ocean Currents. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 31(4), 445–463. Preprintdoi.org/10.1002/acs.2550
Fossen, T. I., K. Y. Pettersen and R. Galeazzi (2015). Line-of-Sight Path Following for Dubins Paths with Adaptive Sideslip Compensation of Drift Forces. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 23(2), 820-827. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TCST.2014.2338354
Grip, H. F., T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen and A. Saberi (2015). Globally Exponentially Stable Attitude and Gyro Bias Estimation with Application to GNSS/INS Integration. Automatica 51, 158–166. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2014.10.076
Peymani, E. and T. I. Fossen (2015). Path Following of Underwater Robots using Lagrange Multipliers. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 67, 44-52. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.robot.2014.10.011
Skulstad, R., C. Lie Syversen, M. Merz, N. Sokolova, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2015). Autonomous Net Recovery of Fixed-Wing UAV with Single-Frequency Carrier-Phase Differential GNSS. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 30(5), 18-27. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/MAES.2015.7119821
Conference Papers
Bryne, T. H., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2015). A Virtual Vertical Reference Concept for GNSS/INS Applications at the Sea Surface. IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Copenhagen, Denmark, IFAC-PapersOnLine 48(16), pp. 127-133. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.10.269
Fortuna, J. and T. I. Fossen (2015). Cascaded Line-of-Sight Path-Following and Sliding Mode Controllers for Fixed-Wing UAVs. IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Sydney, Australia, IEEE Xplore, pp. 798-803. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CCA.2015.7320715
Fusini, L., J. Hosen, H. H. Helgesen, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2015). Experimental Validation of a Uniformly Semi-globally Exponentially Stable Nonlinear Observer for GNSS- and Camera-aided Inertial Navigation for Fixed-wing UAVs. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Denver, CO, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 851-860. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2015.7152371
Hansen, J. M., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2015). Nonlinear Observer for INS Aided by Time-Delayed GNSS Measurements: Implementation and UAV Experiments. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Denver, CO, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 157-166. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2015.7152287
Johansen, T. A. and T. I. Fossen (2015). Nonlinear Observer for Inertial Navigation Aided by Pseudo-Range and Range-Rate Measurements. European Control Conference (ECC), Linz, Austria, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1673-1680. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ECC.2015.7330778
Johansen, T. A., A. Cristofaro, K. Sørensen, J. M. Hansen and T. I. Fossen (2015). On Estimation of Wind Velocity, Angle-of-Attack and Sideslip Angle of small UAVs using Standard Sensors. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Denver, CO, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 510-519. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2015.7152330
Klausen, K. T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansenz, P. Aguiar (2015). Cooperative Path-Following for Multirotor UAVs with a Suspended Payload. IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Sydney, Australia, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1354-1360. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CCA.2015.7320800
Klausen, K., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2015). Nonlinear Control of a Multirotor UAV with Suspended Load. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Denver, CO, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 176-184. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2015.7152289
Leira, F. S., K. Trnka, T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2015). A Ligth-Weight Thermal Camera Payload with Georeferencing Capabilities for Small Fixed-Wing UAVs. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Denver, CO, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 485-494. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2015.7152327
Leira, F. S., T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2015). Automatic Detection, Classification and Tracking of Objects in the Ocean Surface from UAVs using a Thermal Camera. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MO, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-10. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/AERO.2015.7119238
Linder, J., M. Enqvist, T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen and F. Gustafsson (2015). Online Estimation of Ship's Mass and Center of Mass Using Inertial Measurements. 10th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Copenhagen, Denmark, IFAC-PapersOnLine 48(16), pp. 134-139. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.10.270
Linder, J., M. Enqvist, T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen and F. Gustafsson. (2015). Modeling for IMU-based Online Estimation of a Ship's Mass and Center of Mass. 10th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Copenhagen, Denmark, IFAC-PapersOnLine 48(16), pp. 198-203. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.10.280
Mathisen, S., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2015). Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Guidance of a Fixed-Wing UAV in Precision Deep Stall Landing. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Denver, CO, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 356-365. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2015.7152310
Nielsen, U., M. Bjerregård, R. Galeazzi and T. I. Fossen (2015). New Concepts for Shipboard Sea State Estimation. OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE, Washington, US, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-10. Preprintdoi.org/10.23919/OCEANS.2015.7404386
Rogne, R. H., T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2015). On Attitude Observers in Inertial Navigation Based Fault Detection and Isolation in Dynamic Positioning. European Control Conference (ECC), Linz, Austria, IEEE Xplore, pp. 3665-3672. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ECC.2015.7331100
Skulstad, R., C. Lie Syversen M. Merz, N. Sokolova, T. I. Fossen and Tor A. Johansen (2015). Net Recovery of UAV with Single-Frequency RTK GPS. EEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MO, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-10. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/AERO.2015.7119205
Fossen, T. I. and K. Y. Pettersen (2014). On Semiglobal Exponential Stability (USGES) of Proportional Line-of-Sight Guidance Laws. Automatica 50(11), 2912-2917. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2014.10.018
Lekkas, A. M. and T. I. Fossen (2014). Integral LOS Path Following for Curved Paths Based on a Monotone Cubic Hermite Spline Parametrization. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 22(6), 2287-2301. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TCST.2014.2306774
Peymani, E., H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, X. Wang and T. I. Fossen (2014). H-infinity Almost Output Synchronization for Heterogeneous Networks of Introspective Agents Under External Disturbance. Automaticaa 50(4), 1026–1036. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2013.12.021
Conference Papers
Borup, K. T., T. I. Fossen, J. Braga and J. Borges de Sousa (2014). Nonlinear Observer for Depth-Aided INS: Experimental Evaluation using an AUV. 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Palermo, Italy, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1231-1236. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/MED.2014.6961544
Bryne, T. H., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2014). Nonlinear Observer with Time-Varying Gains for Inertial Navigation Aided by Satellite Reference Systems in Dynamic Positioning. 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Palermo, Italy, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1353-1360. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/MED.2014.6961564
Fusini, L., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2014). A Uniformly Semiglobally Exponentially Stable Nonlinear Observer for GNSS- and Camera-Aided Inertial Navigation. 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Palermo, Italy, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1031-1036. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/MED.2014.6961510
Klausen, K., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2014). Suspended Load Motion Control using Multicopters. 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Palermo, Italy, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1371-1376. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/MED.2014.6961567
Lekkas, A. M. and T. I. Fossen (2014). Trajectory Tracking and Ocean Current Estimation for Marine Underactuated Vehicles. IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Antibes, France, IEEE Xplore, pp. 905-910. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CCA.2014.6981451
Lekkas, A. M. and T. I. Fossen (2014). Minimization of Cross-track and Along-track Errors for Path Tracking of Marine Underactuated Vehicles. European Control Conference (ECC), Strasbourg, France, IEEE Xplore, pp. 3004-3010. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ECC.2014.6862594
Rogne, R. H., T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2014). Observer and IMU-based Detection of Faults in Position Reference Systems and Gyrocompasses with Dual Redundancy in Dynamic Positioning. IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Antibes, France, IEEE Xplore, pp. 83-88. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CCA.2014.6981333
Book Chapters
Lekkas, A. M. and T. I. Fossen. (2013). Line-of-Sight Guidance for Path Following of Marine Vehicles. In: Gal, O. (ed.). Advanced in Marine Robotics. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pp. 63-92.
Lekkas, A. M., A. R. Dahl, M. Breivik and T. I. Fossen (2013). Continuous-Curvature Path Generation using Fermat's Spiral. Modeling, Identification and Control 34(4), 183-198. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2013.4.3
Conference Papers
Auestad. Ø. F, J. T. Gravdahl and T. I. Fossen (2013). Heave Motion Estimation on a Craft Using a Strapdown Inertial Measurement Unit.
9th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Osaka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46(33), pp. 298-303. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20130918-4-JP-3022.00033
Belleter, D. J., D. A. Breu, T. I. Fossen and H. Nijmeijer (2013). A Globally K-Exponential Nonlinear Observer for Wave Encounter Frequency.
9th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Osaka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46(33), pp. 209-214. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20130918-4-JP-3022.00016
Candeloro, M., C., A. Lekkas, A. J. Sørensen and T. I. Fossen (2013). Continuous Curvature Path Planning using Voronoi Diagrams and Fermat's Spirals.
9th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Osaka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46(33), pp. 132-137. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20130918-4-JP-3022.00064
Forsmo, E. J., E. I. Grøtli, , T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen. (2013). Optimal Search Mission with Unmanned Aerial Systems using Mixed Integer Linear Programming. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Atlanta, GA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 253-259. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICUAS.2013.6564697
Grip, H. F., T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen and A. Saberi (2013). Nonlinear Observer for GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation with Quaternion-Based Attitude Estimation. American Control Conference (ACC), Washington DC, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 272-279. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ACC.2013.6579849
Lekkas, A. M. and T. I. Fossen (2013). A Quaternion-Based LOS Guidance Scheme for Path Following of AUVs.
9th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Osaka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46(33), pp. 245-250. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20130918-4-JP-3022.00070
Peymani, E., H. and T. I. Fossen (2013). Speed-varying Path Following for Underactuated Marine Craft.
9th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Osaka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46(33), pp. 79-84. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20130918-4-JP-3022.00010
Peymani, E., H. and T. I. Fossen. (2013). 2-D Path Following for Marine Craft - A Least-Square Approach.
9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Toulouse, France, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46(23), pp. 98-103. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20130904-3-FR-2041.00095
Peymani, E., H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, X. Wang and T. I. Fossen (2013). H-infinity Almost Synchronization for Non-Identical Introspective Multi-Agent Systems under External Disturbances. American Control Conference (ACC), Washington DC, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 3808-3813. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ACC.2013.6580420
Peymani, E., H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, X. Wang and T. I. Fossen (2013). H-infinity Almost Regulated Synchronization and H-infinity Almost Formation for Heterogeneous Networks under External Disturbances. European Control Conference (ECC), Zurich, Switzerland, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1890-1895. Preprintdoi.org/10.23919/ECC.2013.6669372
Peymani, E., H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, X. Wang and T. I. Fossen (2013). H-infinity Almost Synchronization for Homogeneous Networks of SISO and Non-Introspective Agents Under External Disturbances. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Firenze, Italy, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4012-4017. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2013.6760503
Breu, D. A., C. Holden and T. I. Fossen (2012). Ship Model for Parametric Roll Incorporating the Effects of Time-Varying Speed. In: Fossen, T. I. and H. Nijmeijer (eds.). Parametric Resonance in Dynamical Systems. Springer, pp. 167–189. doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1043-0_9
Breu, D. A., L. Feng and T. I. Fossen (2012). Optimal Speed and Heading Control for Stabilization of Parametric Oscillations in Ships. In: Fossen, T. I. and H. Nijmeijer (eds.). Parametric Resonance in Dynamical Systems. Springer, pp. 213–238. doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1043-0_11
Fossen, T. I. (2012). Nonlinear Maneuvering Theory and Path-Following Control. In: Soares, C. G., Y. Garbatov, N. Fonseca and A.P. Texeira (eds.). Marine Technology and Engineering, Two Volume Set CENTEC Anniversary Book. CRC Press.
Holden, C. and T. I. Fossen. (2012). A U-Tank Control System for Ships in Parametric Roll Resonance. In: Fossen, T. I. and H. Nijmeijer (eds.). Parametric Resonance in Dynamical Systems. Springer, pp. 239-263. doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1043-0_12
Holden, C., D. A. Breu and T. I. Fossen (2012). Frequency Detuning Control by Doppler Shift. In: Fossen, T. I. and H. Nijmeijer (eds.). Parametric Resonance in Dynamical Systems. Springer, pp. 193-212. doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1043-0_10
From, P. J., I. Schjølberg, J. T. Gravdahl, K. Y. Pettersen and T. I. Fossen (2012). On the Boundedness Property of the Inertia Matrix and Skew-Symmetric Property of the Coriolis Matrix for Vehicle-Manipulator Systems. ASME. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control 134(4):044501. Preprintdoi.org/10.1115/1.4006077
Grip, H. F., T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen and A. Saberi (2012). Attitude Estimation Using Biased Gyro and Vector Measurements with Time-Varying Reference Vector. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (5), 1332-1338. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TAC.2011.2173415
Belleter, D. J., D. A. Breu, T. I. Fossen and H. Nijmeijer. (2012). Nonlinear Observer Design for Parametric Roll Resonance. 11th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2012), Athens, Greece, National Technical University of Athens. Preprint
Breu, D. A., C. Holden and T. I. Fossen (2012). Stability of Ships in Parametric Roll Resonance Under Time- Varying Heading and Speed. 11th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2012), Athens, Greece, National Technical University of Athens. Preprint
Fossen, T. I. (2012). How to Incorporate Wind, Waves and Ocean Currents in the Marine Craft Equations of Motion. 9th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Arenzano, Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45(27), pp. 126-131. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20120919-3-IT-2046.00022
Grip, H. F., T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen and A. Saberi (2012). A Nonlinear Observer for Integration of GNSS and IMU Measurements with Gyro Bias Estimation. American Control Conference (ACC), Montreal, Canada, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4607-4612. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ACC.2012.6314929
Lekkas, A. M. and T. I. Fossen (2012). A Time-Varying Lookahead Distance Guidance Law for Path Following. 9th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Arenzano, Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45(27), pp. 398-403. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20120919-3-IT-2046.00068
Pedersen, M. D. and T. I. Fossen (2012). Marine Vessel Path Planning and Guidance Using Potential Flow. 9th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Arenzano, Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45(27), pp. 188-193. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20120919-3-IT-2046.00032
Pedersen, M. D. and T. I. Fossen (2012). Efficient Nonlinear Wind-Turbine Modeling For Control Applications. 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45(2), pp. 264-269. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00046
Peymani, E. and T. I. Fossen (2012). Direct Inclusion of Geometric Errors for Path Maneuvering of Marine Craft. 9th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Arenzano, Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45(27), pp. 293-298. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20120919-3-IT-2046.00050
Peymani, E. and T. I. Fossen (2012). Leader-Follower Formation of Marine Craft Using Constraint Forces and Lagrange Multipliers. 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Hawaii, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 2447-2452. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2012.6426592
Xiao, L., T I. Fossen and J. Jouffroy (2012). Nonlinear Robust Heading Control for Sailing Yacht. 9th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Arenzano, Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45(27), pp. 404-409. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20120919-3-IT-2046.00069
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2011). Motion Control of Marine Craft. In: Levine, W. S. (ed.). The Control Systems Handbook: Control System Advanced Methods (2nd ed.), CRC Press. doi.org/10.1201/b10384
Holden, C., T. Perez and T. I. Fossen (2011). A Lagrangian Approach to Nonlinear Modeling of Anti-Roll Tanks. Ocean Engineering 38, 341-359. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2010.11.012
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2011). Practical Aspects of Frequency-Domain Identification of Dynamic Models of Marine Structures from Hydrodynamic Data. Ocean Engineering 38, 426-435. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2010.11.004
Conference Papers
Breu, D. A. and T. I. Fossen (2011). L1 Adaptive and Extremum Seeking Control Applied to Roll Parametric Resonance in Ships. 9th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), Santiago, Chile, IEEE Xplore, pp. 871-876. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICCA.2011.6138047
Grip, H. F., T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen and A. Saberi (2011). Attitude Estimation Based on Time-Varying Reference Vectors with Biased Gyro and Vector Measurements. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44(1), pp. 8497-8502. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.01051
Peymani, E. and T. I. Fossen (2011). A Lagrangian Framework to Incorporate Positional and Velocity Constraints to Achieve Path-Following Cotrol. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Orlando, FL, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 3940-3945. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2011.6160597
Peymani, E. and T. I. Fossen (2011). Motion Control of Marine Craft Using Virtual Positional and Velocity Constraints. 9th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), Santiago, Chile, IEEE Xplore, pp. 410-416. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICCA.2011.6137907
Jensen, G. A., N. Säfström, T. D. Nguyen and T. I. Fossen (2010). A Nonlinear PDE Formulation for Offshore Vessel Pipeline Installation. Ocean Engineering 37(4), 365-377. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.12.009
Jouffroy, J. and T. I. Fossen (2010). A Tutorial on Incremental Stability Analysis using Contraction Theory. Modeling, Identification and Control 31(3), 93-106. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2010.3.2
Conference Papers
Breu, D. A. and T. I. Fossen (2010). Extremum Seeking Speed and Heading Control Applied to Parametric Roll Resonance. 8th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43(20), pp. 28-33. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20100915-3-DE-3008.00003
From, P. J., I. Schjølberg, J. T. Gravdahl, K. Y. Pettersen and T. I. Fossen. (2010). On the Boundedness and Skew-Symmetric Properties of the Inertia and Coriolis Matrices for Vehicle-Manipulator Systems. 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Lecce,Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43(16), pp. 193-198. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20100906-3-IT-2019.00035
Book Chapters
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen (2009). Guidance Laws for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. In: Inzartsev, A. V. (ed.). Intelligent Underwater Vehicles, InTech, pp. 51-76. Open Access doi.org/10.5772/6696
Fossen, T. I., T. A. Johansen and T. Perez (2009). A Survey of Control Allocation Methods for Underwater Vehicles. In: Inzartsev, A. V. (ed.). Intelligent Underwater Vehicles, InTech, pp. 109-128. Open Access doi.org/10.5772/6699
Fossen, T. I. and T. Perez (2009). Kalman Filtering for Positioning and Heading Control of Ships and Offshore Rigs. IEEE Control Systems Magazine 29(6), 32-46. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/MCS.2009.934408
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2009). A Matlab Toolbox for Parametric Identification of Radiation-Force Models of Ships and Offshore Structures. Modeling, Identification and Control 30(1), 1-15. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2009.1.1
Conference Papers
Galeazzi, R., C. Holden, M. Blanke and T. I. Fossen (2009). Stabilization of Parametric Roll Resonance by Combined Speed and Fin Stabilizer Control. European Control Conference (ECC), Budapest, Hungary, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4895-4900. Preprintdoi.org/10.23919/ECC.2009.7075175
Holden, C., G. Roberto, T. I. Fossen and T. Perez (2009). Stabilization of Parametric Roll Resonance with Active U-tanks via Lyapunov Control Design. European Control Conference (ECC), Budapest, Hungary, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4889-4894. Preprintdoi.org/10.23919/ECC.2009.7075174
Jensen, G.A. and T. I. Fossen (2009). A Robotic Approach to Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of Offshore Pipelaying Operations. 8th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Guaruja, Brazil, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42(18), pp. 127-133. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20090916-3-BR-3001.0016
Jensen, G.A. and T. I. Fossen. (2009). Mathematical Models for Model-Based Control in Offshore Pipelay Operations. 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, ASME, pp. 269-276. Preprintdoi.org/10.1115/OMAE2009-79372
Jensen, G.A., M. Breivik and T. I. Fossen (2009). Offshore Pipelay Operations From a Control Perspective. 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, ASME, pp. 259-268. Preprintdoi.org/10.1115/OMAE2009-79371
Jensen, G.A., N. Säfström, T. D. Nguyen and T. I. Fossen (2009). Modeling and Control of Offshore Pipelay Operations Based on a Finite Strain Pipe Model. American Control Conference (ACC), Saint Louis, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4717-4722. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ACC.2009.5160110
Skejic R., M. Breivik, T. I. Fossen and O. M. Faltinsen (2009). Modeling and Control of Underway Replenishment Operations in Calm Water. 8th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Guaruja, Brazil, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42(18), pp. 78-85. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20090916-3-BR-3001.0022
Book Chapters
Antonelli, G., T. I. Fossen and D. Yoerger (2008). Underwater Robotics. In: Siciliano B. and O. Khatib (eds.). Springer Handbook of Robotics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 987-1008. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-30301-5_44
Alfaro-Cid, E., E. W. McGookin, D. J. Murray-Smith and T. I. Fossen (2008). Genetic Programming for the Automatic Design of Controllers for a Surface Ship. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(2), 311-321. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TITS.2008.922932
Breivik, M., V. E. Hovstein and T. I. Fossen (2008). Straight-Line Target Tracking for Unmanned Surface Vehicles. Modeling, Identification and Control 29(4), 131-149. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2008.4.2
Grip, H. F., L. Imsland, T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen, J. C. Kalkkuhl and A. Suissa (2008). Nonlinear Vehicle Side-Slip Estimation with Friction Adaptation. Automatica 44(3), 611-622. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2007.06.017
Johansen, T. A., T. P. Fuglseth, P. Tøndel and T. I. Fossen (2008). Optimal Constrained Control Allocation in Marine Surface Vessels with Rudders. Control Engineering Practice 16(4), 457-464. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2007.01.012
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2008). Time- vs. Frequency-domain Methods for Identification of Parametric Radiation Force Models fro Marine Structures at Zero Speed. Modeling, Identification and Control 29(1), 1-19. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2008.1.1
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2008). Joint Identification of Infinite-Frequency Added Mass and Fluid-Memory Models of Marine Structures. Modeling, Identification and Control 29(3), 93-102. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2008.3.2
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2008). A Derivation of High-Frequency Asymptotic Values of 3D Added Mass and Damping Based on Properties of the Cummins' Equation. Journal of Maritime Research 5(1), 65-78. Open Access www.jmr.unican.es/index.php/jmr/article/view/36
Conference Papers
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen (2008). Guidance Laws for Planar Motion Control. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, IEEE Xplore, pp. 570-577. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2008.4739465
Breivik, M., V. E. Hovstein and T. I. Fossen (2008). Ship Formation Control: A Guided Leader-Follower Approach. 17th IFAC World Congress, Seuol, South Korea, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41(2), pp. 16008-16014. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.02706
Säfström, N., G. A. Jensen, T. D. Nguyen and T . I. Fossen. (2008). A Nonlinear Elastic Model Applied to Pipelay Operation in Ocean Engineering. 21 Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics (NSCM), Trondheim, Norway.
Holden, C., .Galeazzi, C. Rodríguez, T. Perez, T. I. Fossen, M. Blanke and M. A. S. Neves (2007). Nonlinear Container Ship Model for the Study of Parametric Roll Resonance. Modeling, Identification and Control 28(4), 87-103. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2007.4.1
Imsland, L. S., H. F. Grip, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2007). On Nonlinear Unknown Input Observers – Applied to Lateral Velocity Vehicle Velocity Estimation on Banked Roads. International Journal of Control 80(11), 1741-1750. Preprintdoi.org/10.1080/00207170701502066
Moreira, L., T. I. Fossen and C. Guedes Soares (2007). Path Following Control System for a Tanker Ship Model. Ocean Engineering 34(14-15), 2074-2085. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2007.02.005
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2007). Kinematic Models for Seakeeping and Maneuvering of Marine Vessels. Modeling, Identification and Control 28(1), 19-30. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2007.1.3
Pivano, L., Ø. N. Smogeli, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2007). Experimental Validation of a Marine Propeller Thrust Estimation Scheme. Modeling, Identification and Control 28(2), 105-112. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2007.4.2
Conference Papers
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen. (2007). Applying Missile Guidance Concepts to Motion Control of Marine Craft. 7th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Bol, Croatia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40(17), pp. 349-354. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20070919-3-HR-3904.00061
Holden, C., T. Perez and T. I. Fossen (2007). Frequency-Motivated Observer Design for the Prediction of Parametric Roll Resonance. 7th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Bol, Croatia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40(17), pp. 57-62. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20070919-3-HR-3904.00011
Imsland, L. S., H. F. Grip, T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen, J. C. Kalkkuhl and A. Suissa (2007). Nonlinear Observer for Lateral Velocity with Friction and Road Bank Adaptation: Validation and Comparison with an Extended Kalman Filter. SAE 2007 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, USA, SAE International, pp. 722-734. Preprintdoi.org/10.4271/2007-01-0808
Johansen, T. A., A. J. Sørensen, O. J. Nordahl, O. Mo and T. I. Fossen (2007). Experiences from Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) Testing of Dynamic Positioning and Power Management Systems. 2nd International Conference on Technology and Operation of Offshore Support Vessels, Sigapore, OSV, pp. 41-50. Preprint
Perez, T., T. Mak, T. Armb, A. Ross and Thor I. Fossen (2007). Validation of a 4DOF Manoeuvring Model of a High-speed Vehicle-Passenger Trimaran. 9th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST), Shanghai, China, Curran Associates, Inc. Preprint
Pivano, L. L. L. Whitcomb, T. A.Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2007). Preliminary Simulation Studies of a new Four Quadrant Propeller Thrust Controller Applied to Underwater Vehicles. 7th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Bol, Croatia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40(17), pp. 217-222. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20070919-3-HR-3904.00039
Pivano, L. T. A. Johansen, Ø. N. Smogeli, T. I. Fossen (2007). Nonlinear Thrust Controller for Marine Propellers in Four-Quadrant Operations. American Control Conference (ACC), New Yrok, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 900-905. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ACC.2007.4282514
Rodríguez, C. A., C. Holden, T. Perez, I. Drummen, M. A. S. Neves and T. I. Fossen (2007). Validation of a Container Ship Model for Parametric Rolling. 9th International Ship Stability Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, ISSW. Preprint
Ross, A., T. Perez and T. I. Fossen (2007). A Novel Maneuvering Model Based on Low-Aspect Ratio Lift Theory and Lagrangian Mechanics. 7th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Bol, Croatia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40(17), pp. 229-234. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20070919-3-HR-3904.00041
Book Chapters
Arrichiello, F., S. Chiaverini and T. I. Fossen (2006). Formation Control of Marine Surface Vessels using the Null-Space-Based Behavioral Control. In: Pettersen, K.Y., J. T. Gravdahl and H. Nijmeijer (eds.). Group Coordination and Cooperative Control. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science, vol 336. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 1-19. doi.org/10.1007/11505532_1
Fossen, T. I. and A. Ross (2006). Nonlinear Modelling, Identification, and Control of UUVs. In: Roberts, G. and B. Sutton (eds.). Guidance and Control of Unmanned Marine Vehicles, IEE's Control Engineering Series, pp. 23-42. doi.org/10.1049/PBCE069E_ch2
Ihle, I.-A., J. Jouffroy and T. I. Fossen (2006). Robust Formation Control of Marine Craft using Lagrange Multipliers. In: Pettersen, K.Y., J. T. Gravdahl and H. Nijmeijer (eds.). Group Coordination and Cooperative Control. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science, vol 336. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 113–129. doi.org/10.1007/11505532_7
Ihle, I.-A., J. Jouffroy and T. I. Fossen (2006). Formation Control of Marine Surface Craft: A Lagrangian Approach. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 31(3), 922-934. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/JOE.2006.880426
Imsland, L., T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen, H. F. Grip, J. C. Kalkkuhl and A. Suissa (2006). Vehicle Velocity Estimation using Nonlinear Observers. Automatica 42(12), 2091-2103. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2006.06.025
Perez, T., Ø. N. Smogeli, T. I. Fossen and A. J. Sørensen (2006). An Overview of the Marine Systems Simulator (MSS): A Simulink Toolbox for Marine Control Systems. Modeling, Identification and Control 27(4), 259-275. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2006.4.4
Conference Papers
Arrichiello, F., S. Chiaverini and T. I. Fossen (2006). Formation Control of Underactuated Surface Vessels using the Null-Space-Based Behavioral Control. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, China, IEEE Xplore, pp. 5942-5947. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/IROS.2006.282477
Breivik, M, M. V. Subbotin. and T. I. Fossen (2006). Guided Formation Control for Wheeled Mobile Robots. 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARV), Singapore, IEEE Xplore. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICARCV.2006.345345
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen (2006). Motion Control Concepts for Trajectory Tracking of Fully Actuated Ships. 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen (2006). A Unified Control Concept for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. American Control Conference (ACC), Minneapolis, MI, USA, IEEE Xplore. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ACC.2006.1657500
Breivik, M., J. P. Strand and T. I. Fossen (2006). Guided Dynamic Positioning for Fully Actuated Marine Surface Vessels. 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Breivik, M., M. V. Subbotin and T. I. Fossen (2006). Guided Formation Control for Fully Actuated Marine Surface Craft. 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Fossen, T. I. and T. I. Johansen (2006). A Survey of Control Allocation Methods for Ships and Underwater Vehicles. 14th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ancona, Italy, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-6. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/MED.2006.328749
Golding, B., A. Ross and T. I. Fossen (2006). Identification of Nonlinear Viscous Damping Terms for Marine Vessels. 14th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation (SYSID), New Castle, Australia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39(1), pp. 332-337. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20060329-3-AU-2901.00048
Grip, H. F., L. Imsland, T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen, J. C. Kalkkuhl and A. Suissa (2006). Nonlinear Vehicle Velocity Observer with Road-Tire Friction Adaptation. 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 3603-3608. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2006.377060
Ihle, I.-A., J. Jouffroy and T. I. Fossen (2006). Robust Combined Position and Formation Control for Marine Surface Craft. 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Kyoto, Japan. Preprint
Ihle, I.-A., M. Arcak and T. I. Fossen (2006). Passivation Designs for Synchronized Path Following. 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4319-4326. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2006.377782
Imsland, L. H. F. Grip, C. Bohm, T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen, J. C. Kalkkuhl and A. Suissa (2006). Nonlinear Observer for Vehicle Lateral Velocity. HYCON & CEmACS Workshop on Automotive Systems and Control, Lund, Sweden.
Imsland, L., T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen, J. C. Kalkkuhl and A. Suissa (2006). Nonlinear Observer for Vehicle Velocity Estimation. SAE 2006 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, USA, SAE International. Preprintdoi.org/10.4271/2006-01-1282
O’Cathain, M., T. I. Fossen and B. Leira (2006). Control-Oriented Modeling of a 2-Body Interconnected Marine Structure. 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2006). Time-Domain Models of Marine Surface Vessels for Simulation and Control Design Based on Seakeeping Computations. 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Perez, T., A. Ross and T. I. Fossen (2006). A 4 DOF Simulink Model of a Coastal Patrol Vessel for Maneuvering in Waves. 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Pivano, L., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2006). Nonlinear Model Identification of a Marine Propeller over Four-Quadrant Operations. 14th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation (SYSID), New Castle, Australia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39(1), pp. 315-320. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20060329-3-AU-2901.00045
Pivano, L., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2006). Experimental Validation of a Marine Propeller Thrust Estimation Scheme. 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Pivano, L., Ø. N. Smogeli, T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen (2006). Marine Propeller Thrust Estimation in Four-Quadrant Operations. 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1333-1338. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2006.377281
Ross, A., T. Perez and T. I. Fossen (2006). Clarification of the Low-Frequency Modelling Concept for Marine Craft. 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Unneland, K., T. I. Fossen, O. Egeland and P. Van Dooren (2006). Low Order Potential Damping Models for Surface Vessels. 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Book Chapters
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2005). Kinematics of Ship Motion. In: Perez, T. Ship Motion Control. Advances in Industrial Control. Springer, London, pp. 45-58. doi.org/10.1007/1-84628-157-1_3
Perez, T. and T. I. Fossen (2005). Ship Kinetics. In: Perez, T. Ship Motion Control. Advances in Industrial Control. Springer, London, pp. 59-92. doi.org/10.1007/1-84628-157-1_4
Alfaro-Cid, E., E. W. McGookin, D. J. Murray-Smith and T. I. Fossen (2005). Genetic Algorithms Optimization of Decoupled Sliding Mode Controllers: Simulated and Real Results. Control Engineering Practice
Control Engineering Practice 13(6), 739-748. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2004.07.004
Fossen, T. I. (2005). A Nonlinear Unified State-Space Model for Ship Maneuvering and Control in a Seaway. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 15(9), 2717-2746. Preprintdoi.org/10.1142/S0218127405013691
Johansen, T. A., T. I. Fossen and P. Tøndel (2005). Efficient Optimal Constrained Control Allocation via Multi-Parametric Programming. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics 28(3), 506-515. Preprintdoi.org/10.2514/1.10780
Skjetne, R., T. I. Fossen, and P. V. Kokotovic (2005). Adaptive Output Maneuvering with Experiments for a Model Ship in a Marine Control Laboratory. Automatica 41(4), 289-298. doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2004.10.006
Conference Papers
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen (2005). Guidance-Based Path Following for Wheeled Mobile Robots. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38(1), pp. 13-18. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.02054
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen (2005). A Unified Concept for Controlling a Marine Surface Vessel Through the Entire Speed Envelope. IEEE International Symposium on Mediterrean Conference on Control, Cypros, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1518-1523. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/.2005.1469807
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen (2005). Principles of Guidance-Based Path Following in 2D and 3D. 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Seville, Spain, IEEE Xplore, pp. 627-634. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2005.1582226
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen (2005). Guidance-Based Path Following for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE, Vol. 3, Washington D.C., USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 2807-2814. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/OCEANS.2005.1640200
Fossen, T. I. (2005). A Nonlinear Unified State-Space Model for Ship Maneuvering and Control in a Seaway. 5th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, British Library Conference Proceedings. Preprint
Ihle, I.-A., J. Jouffroy and T. I. Fossen (2005). Formation Control of Marine Surface Craft using Lagrange Multipliers. 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Seville, Spain, IEEE Xplore, pp. 752-758. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2005.1582247
Ihle, I.-A., J. Jouffroy and T. I. Fossen (2005). Formation Control of Marine Craft using Constraint Functions. OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE, Vol. 2, Washington D.C., USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1023-1028. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/OCEANS.2005.1639888
Ihle, I.-A., R. Skjetne and T. I. Fossen (2005). Output Feedback Control for Maneuvering Systems Using Observer Backstepping. IEEE International Symposium on Mediterrean Conference on Control, Cypros, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1512-1517. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/.2005.1469806
Imsland, L., T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen, J. C. Kalkkuhl and A. Suissa (2005). Vehicle Velocity Estimation using Modular Nonlinear Observers. 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Seville, Spain, IEEE Xplore, pp. 6728-6733. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2005.1583243
Johansen, T. A. , T. I. Fossen and B. Vik (2005). Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of DP Systems. MTS Dynamic Positioning Conference, Houston, TX, USA.
Marçal, J., J. Jouffroy and T. I. Fossen (2005). An Extended Set-Valued Observer for Position Estimation using Single Range Measurements. International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST), Durham, New Hampshire. Preprint
Moreira, L., T. I. Fossen and C. Guedes Soares (2005). Modeling, Guidance and Control of “Esso Osaka” Model. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38(1), pp. 85-90. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.01956
Ross, A. and T. I. Fossen. (2005). Identification of Frequency-Dependent Viscous Damping. OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE, Vol. 2, Washington D.C., USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1333-1338. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/OCEANS.2005.1639939
Shiriaev, A., A. Robertsson, P. Pacull and T. I. Fossen. (2005). Motion Planning and Its Feedback Stabilization for Underactuated Ships: Virtual Constraints Approach. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38(1), pp. 67-72. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.01953
Smogeli, Ø. N., T. Perez, T. I. Fossen and A. J. Sørensen (2005). The Marine Systems Simulator State-Space Model Representation for Dynamically Positioned Surface Vessels. International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM), Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Fossen, T. I. and Ø. N. Smogeli (2004). Nonlinear Time-Domain Strip Theory Formulation for Low-Speed Maneuvering and Station-Keeping. Modeling, Identification and Control 25(4), 201-221. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2004.4.1
Johansen, T. A., T. I. Fossen and S. P. Berge (2004). Constrained Nonlinear Control Allocation with Singularity Avoidance using Sequential Quadratic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 12(1), 211-216. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TCST.2003.821952
Johansen, T. A., T. I. Fossen, S. I. Sagatun and F. G. Nielsen (2004). Wave Synchronizing Crane Control during Water Entry in Offshore Moonpool Operations. Modeling, Identification and Control 25(1), 29-44. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2004.1.2
Skjetne, R., T. I. Fossen, and P. V. Kokotovic (2004). Robust Output Maneuvering for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. Automatica 40(3), 373-383. doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2003.10.010
Skjetne, R., Ø. N. Smogeli and T. I. Fossen (2004). A Nonlinear Ship Maneuvering Model: Identification and Adaptive Control with Experiments for a Model Ship. Modeling, Identification and Control 25(1), 3-27. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2004.1.1
Conference Papers
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen (2004). Path Following of Straight Lines and Circles for Marine Surface Vessels. 6th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Ancona, Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37(10), pp. 65-70. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)31709-3
Breivik, M. and T. I. Fossen (2004). Path Following for Marine Surface Vessels. MTTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN '04, Vol. 4, Japan, IEEE Xplore, pp. 2282-2289. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/OCEANS.2004.1406507
Ihle, I-A., T. I. Fossen and R. Skjetne (2004). Nonlinear Formation Control of Marine Craft with Experimental Results. 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Paradise Iceland, Bahamas, IEEE Xplore, pp. 680-685. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2004.1428723
Jouffroy, J. and T. I. Fossen (2004). On the Combination of Nonlinear Contracting Observers and UGES Controllers for Output Feedback. 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Paradise Iceland, Bahamas, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4933-4939. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2004.1429588
Ross, A., T. I. Fossen and T. A. Johansen (2004). Determination of Underwater Vehicle Hydrodynamic Coefficients using Free Decay Tests. 6th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Ancona, Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37(10), pp. 363-368. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)31759-7
Skjetne, R. and T. I. Fossen (2004). On Integral Control in Backstepping: Analysis of Different Techniques. American Control Conference (ACC), Boston, MA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1899-1904. Preprintdoi.org/10.23919/ACC.2004.1386858
Skjetne, R., Ø. N. Smogeli and T. I. Fossen (2004). Modeling, Identification, and Adaptive Maneuvering of CyberShip II: A Complete Design with Experiments. 6th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Ancona, Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37(10), pp. 203-208. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)31732-9
Smogeli, Ø., N., A. J. Søresen and T. I. Fossen. (2004). Design of a Hybrid Power/Torque Thruster Controller with Loss Estimation. 6th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Ancona, Italy, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37(10), pp. 409-414. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)31766-4
Torsetnes, G., J. Jouffroy and T. I. Fossen (2004). Nonlinear Dynamic Positioning of Ships with Gain-Scheduled Wave Filtering. 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Paradise Iceland, Bahamas, IEEE Xplore, pp. 5340-534. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2004.1429657
Johansen, T. A., T. I. Fossen, S. I. Sagatun and F. G. Nielsen (2003). Wave Synchronizing Crane Control during Water Entry in Offshore Moonpool Operations: Experimental Results. Journal of Oceanic Engineering 28(4), 720-728. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/JOE.2003.819155
Lindegaard, K. P. and T. I. Fossen (2003). Fuel Efficient Rudder and Propeller Control Allocation for Marine Craft: Experiments with a Model Ship. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology11(6), 850-862. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/TCST.2003.815613
Conference Papers
Fossen, T.I., M. Breivik and R. Skjetne (2003). Line-of-Sight Path Following of Underactuated Marine Craft. 6th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Girona, Spain, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 36(21), pp. 211-216. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)37809-6
Johansen, T. A., T. P. Fugleseth, P. Tøndel and T. I. Fossen (2003). Optimal Constrained Control Allocation in Marine Surface Vessels with Rudders. 6th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Girona, Spain, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 36(21), pp. 181-186. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)37804-7
Skjetne, R., I.-A. Ihle and T. I. Fossen (2003). Formation Control by Synchronizing Multiple Maneuvering Systems. 6th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Girona, Spain, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 36(21), pp. 241-246. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)37814-X
Aamo, O. M. and T. I. Fossen (2002). Tutorial on Feedback Control of Flows, Part Stabilization of Fluid Flows in Channels and Pipes. Modeling, Identification and Control 23(3), 161-226. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2002.3.1
Aamo, O. M. and T. I. Fossen (2002). Tutorial on Feedback Control of Flows, Part II: Control and Mixing. Modeling, Identification and Control 23(3), 275-298. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2002.4.3
Conference Papers
Fossen, T. I., K.-P. Lindegaard and R. Skjetne (2002). Inertia Shaping Techniques for Marine Vessels using Acceleration Feedback. 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 35(1), pp. 343-348. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20020721-6-ES-1901.01282
Lindegaard, K.-P., B. Vik and T. I. Fossen (2002). Experimental Results with a Simplified Model Based Wave Filter with Inertial Sensor Feedback for Surface Vessels. 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Lisbon, Portugal. Preprint
Sagatun, S. I., T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen and F. G. Nielsen (2002). Wave Synchronizing Crane Control during Water Entry in Offshore Moonpool Operations. International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Glasgow, UK, IEEE Xplore, pp. 174-179. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CCA.2002.1040181
Skavhaug, A., T. Lunheim, B. Vik and T. I. Fossen (2002). A Decade of Rapid Software Development for Control System Experiments: Lession Learned. 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 35(1), pp. 243-248. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20020721-6-ES-1901.01431
Skjetne, R., S. Moi and T. I. Fossen (2002). Nonlinear Formation Control of Marine Craft. 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1699-1704. doi.org/10.1109/CDC.2002.1184765
Skjetne, R., T. I. Fossen and P. Kokotovic (2002). Output Maneuvering for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 35(1), pp. 501-506. Open Access doi.org/10.3182/20020721-6-ES-1901.00245
Fossen T. I., A. Loria and A. Teel (2001). A Theorem for UGAS and ULES of (Passive) Nonautonomous Systems: Robust Control of Mechanical Systems and Ships. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 11(2), 95-108. Preprintdoi.org/10.1002/rnc.551
Fossen, T. I. and J. P. Strand (2001). Nonlinear Passive Weather Optimal Positioning Control (WOPC) System for Ships and Rigs: Experimental Results. Automatica 37(5), 701-715. doi.org/10.1016/S0005-1098(01)00006-1
Hansen, J. F., A. K. Ådnanes and T. I. Fossen (2001). Mathematical Modelling of Diesel Electric Propulsion Systems for Marine Vessels. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 7(3), 323-355. Open Access doi.org/10.1076/mcmd.7.3.323.3641
Vik, B. and T. I. Fossen (2001). A Nonlinear Observer for Integration of GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems. Modeling, Identification and Control 21(4), 192-208. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2000.4.1
Aamo, O. M. and T. I. Fossen (2001). Finite Element Modelling of Moored Vessels. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 7(1), 47-75. Preprintdoi.org/10.1076/mcmd.
Aamo, O. M., M. Arcak, T. I. Fossen and P. V. Kokotovic (2001). Global Output Tracking Control of a Class of Euler-Lagrange Systems with Monotonic Nonlinearities in the Velocities. International Journal of Control 74(7), 649-658. Preprintdoi.org/10.1080/00207170010026130
Conference Papers
Lindegaard K.-P. and T. I .Fossen (2001). On Global Model Based Observer Designs for Surface Vessels. 5th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Glasgow, UK, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 34(7), pp. 389-394. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)35113-3
Lindegaard, K.-P. and T. I. Fossen (2001). A Model Based Wave Filter for Surface Vessels using Position, Velocity and Partial Acceleration Feedback. 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Orlando, FL, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 946-951. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2001.980231
Sagatun, S. I., T. I. Fossen and K. P. Lindegaard (2001). Inertance Control of Underwater Installations. 5th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Glasgow, UK, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 34(7), pp. 345-350. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)35106-6
Skjetne, R. and T. I. Fossen (2001). Nonlinear Maneuvering and Control of Ships. MTS/IEEE Oceans, Honolulu, HI, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 808-1815. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/OCEANS.2001.968121
Vik B. and T. I. Fossen (2001). Nonlinear Observer Design for Integration of GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems. 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Orlando, FL, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 2956-2961. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/.2001.980726
Book Chapters
Fossen, T. I. and J. P. Strand (2000). Position and Velocity Observer Design. In: F. El-Hawary. The Ocean Engineering Handbook, Taylor & Francis, pp. 189-206. doi.org/10.1201/9781420036732
Fossen, T. I. and J. P. Strand (2000). Weather Optimal Positioning Control. In: F. El-Hawary. The Ocean Engineering Handbook, Taylor & Francis, pp. 218-234. doi.org/10.1201/9781420036732
Sørensen, A. J., T. I. Fossen and J. P. Strand (2000). Design of Controllers for Positioning of Marine Vessels. In: F. El-Hawary. The Ocean Engineering Handbook, Taylor & Francis, pp. 207-217. doi.org/10.1201/9781420036732
Berge, S. P. and T. I. Fossen (2000). On the Properties of the Nonlinear Ship Equations of Motion. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 6(4), 365-381. Open Access doi.org/10.1076/mcmd.6.4.365.3660
Fossen, T. I. (2000). Nonlinear Passive Control and Observer Design for Ships. Modeling, Identification and Control 21(3), 129-184. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2000.3.1
Fossen, T. I. (2000). Recent Developments in Ship Control Systems Design. World Superyacht Review, Sterling Publications Limited, London, Millennium Edition, 115-116. Preprint
Fossen, T. I. and M. Blanke (2000). Nonlinear Output Feedback Control of Underwater Vehicle Propellers using Feedback from Estimated Axial Flow Velocity. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 25(2), 241-255. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/48.838987
Loria, A., T. I. Fossen and E. Panteley (2000). A Separation Principle for Dynamic Positioning of Ships: Theoretical and Experimental Results. EEE Transactions of Control Systems Technology 8(2), 332-343. doi.org/10.1109/87.826804
McGookin, E. W., D. J. Murray-Smith, Y. Lin and T. I. Fossen (2000). Ship Steering Control System Optimisation Using Genetic Algorithms. Control Engineering Practice 8(4), 429-443. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/S0967-0661(99)00159-8
McGookin, E. W., D. J. Murray-Smith, Y. Lin and T. I. Fossen (2000). Experimental Results from Supply Ship Autopilot Optimisation Using Genetic Algorithms. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 22(2), 141-178. Preprintdoi.org/10.1177/014233120002200203
Nie, J., J. Yuh, E. Kardash and T. I. Fossen (2000). nboard Sensor-Based Adaptive Control of Small UUV in Very Shallow Water. Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 14(4), 441-452. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/10991115/2000/14/4
Pettersen, K. Y. and T. I. Fossen (2000). Underactuated Dynamic Positioning of a Ship - Experimental Results. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technologyc8(5), 856-863. doi.org/10.1109/87.865859
Vik, B. and T. I. Fossen (2000). A Nonlinear Observer for Integration of GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems. Modeling, Identification and Control 21(4), 192-208. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.2000.4.1
Aamo, O. M. and T. I. Fossen (2000). Finite Element Modeling of Mooring Lines. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 53(4-6), 415-422. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/S0378-4754(00)00235-4
Conference Papers
Blanke, M., K. P. Lindegaard and T. I. Fossen (2000). Dynamic Model for Thrust Generation of Marine Propellers. 5th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Aalborg, Denmark, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 33(21), pp. 353-358. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)37100-8
Fossen, T. I. (2000). A Survey on Nonlinear Ship Control: From Theory to Practise. 5th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Aalborg, Denmark, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 33(21), pp. 1-16. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)37044-1
Kvam, K., K. Ohtsu and T. I. Fossen (2000). Optimal Ship Maneuvering using Bryson and Ho's Time Varying LQ Controller. 5th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Aalborg, Denmark, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 33(21), pp. 341-346. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)37098-2
Aamo, O. M, M. Arcak, T. I. Fossen and P. V, Kokotovic (2000). Global Output Tracking Control of a Class of Euler-Lagrange Systems. 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Sydney, Australia, IEEE Xplore, pp. 2478-2483. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.2000.914174
Aamo, O. M. and T. I. Fossen (2000). Finite Element Modeling of Mooring Lines. 3rd Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria. Preprint
Strand, J. P. and T. I. Fossen (1999). Nonlinear Passive Observer for Ships with Adaptive Wave Filtering. In: Nijmeijer, H. and T. I. Fossen (eds.). New Directions in Nonlinear Observer Design, Springer-Verlag London Ltd., pp. 113-134. doi.org/10.1007/BFb0109924
Vik, B., A. Shiriaev and T. I. Fossen (1999). Nonlinear Observer Design for Integration of DGPS and INS. In: Nijmeijer, H. and T. I. Fossen (eds.). New Directions in Nonlinear Observer Design, Springer-Verlag London Ltd., pp. 135-160. doi.org/10.1007/BFb0109925
Berge, S. P., K. Ohtsu and T. I. Fossen (1999). Nonlinear Control of Ships Minimizing the Position Tracking Errors. Modeling, Identification and Control 20(3), 177-187. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1999.3.3
Fossen, T. I. and J. P. Strand (1999). Tutorial on Nonlinear Backstepping: Applications to Ship Control. Modeling, Identification and Control 20(2), 83-135. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1999.2.3
Fossen, T. I. and J. P. Strand (1999). Passive Nonlinear Observer Design for Ships Using Lyapunov Methods: Experimental Results with a Supply Vessel. Automatica 35(1), 3-16. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/S0005-1098(98)00121-6
Conference Papers
Hansen, J. F. and T. I. Fossen (1999). Nonlinear Control of Marine Power Generation. 13th Power Systems Computation Conference, Trondheim, Norway. Preprint
He, X., T. I. Fossen and Y. Chen (1999). Development of a Low Cost DGPS/DR System for Vehicle Tracking. International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
Loria A., T. I. Fossen and A. Teel (1999). UGAS and ULES of Non-Autonomous Systems: Applications to Integral Action Control of Ships and Manipulators. European Control Conference (ECC), Karlsruhe, Germany, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1517-1522. Preprintdoi.org/10.23919/ECC.1999.7099527
Sørensen, A. J., J. P. Strand and T. I. Fossen (1999). Thruster Assisted Position Mooring System for Turret Anchored FPSOs. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Hawaii, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1110-1117. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CCA.1999.801128
Vik, B. and Thor I. Fossen (1999). Nonlinear Analysis of GPS Aided by INS. 55th Annual Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Cambridge, MA, USA, ION, pp. 683-688. Preprint
Vik, B. and Thor I. Fossen (1999). A Nonlinear Observer for Integration of GPS and INS Attitude. 12th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Nashville, TN, USA, ION, pp. 2027-2032. Preprint
Aamo, O. M. and T. I. Fossen (1999). Controlling Line Tension in Thruster Assited Mooring Systems. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Hawaii, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1104-1109. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CCA.1999.801126
Fossen, T. I. and Å. Grøvlen (1998). Nonlinear Output Feedback Control of Dynamically Positioned Ships Using Vectorial Observer Backstepping. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 6(1), 121-128. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/87.654882
Strand, J. P., A. J. Sørensen and T. I. Fossen (1998). Design of Automatic Thruster Assisted Position Mooring Systems for Ships. Modeling, Identification and Control 19(2), 61-75. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1998.2.1
Conference Papers
Berge, S. P., K. Ohtsu and T. I. Fossen (1998). Nonlinear Control of Ships Minimizing the Position Tracking Errors. 4th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Fukuoka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(30), pp. 129-134. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)38429-X
Fossen, T. I. and J. P. Strand (1998). Nonlinear Ship Control, Tutorial Paper. 4th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 1-75. Preprint
Fossen, T. I., J.-M. Godhavn, S. P. Berge and K.-P. Lindegaard (1998). Nonlinear Control of Underactuated Ships with Forward Speed Compensation. 4th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design (NOLCOS), Enschede, The Netherlands, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(17), pp. 119-124. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)40321-1
Hansen, J. F., A. K. Ådnanes and T. I. Fossen (1998). Modeling, Simulation and Multivariable Model Based Predictive Control of Marine Power Generation Systems. 4th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Fukuoka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(30), pp. 41-46. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)38415-X
Lauvdal, T. and T. I. Fossen (1998). Rudder Roll Stabilization of Ships Subject to Input Rate Saturations Using a Gain Scheduled Control Law. 4th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Fukuoka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(30), pp. 111-116. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)38426-4
Loria, A., E. Panteley, H. Nijmeijer and T. I. Fossen (1998). Robust Adaptive Control of Passive Systems with Unknown Disturbances. 4th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design (NOLCOS), Enschede, The Netherlands, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(17), pp. 841-846. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)40444-7
Nie, J., J. Yuh, E. Kardash and T. I. Fossen (1998). On-board Sensor-Based Adaptive Control of Small UUV's in Very Shallow Water. 4th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Fukuoka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(30), pp. 191-196. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)38439-2
Pettersen, K. Y. and T. I. Fossen (1998). Underactuated Ship Stabilization Using Integral Control: Experimental Results with Cybership I. 4th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design (NOLCOS), Enschede, The Netherlands, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(17), pp. 125-130. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)40322-3
Strand, J. P. and T. I. Fossen (1998). Nonlinear Output Feedback and Locally Optimal Control of Dynamically Positioned Ships: Experimental Results. 4th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Fukuoka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(30), pp. 83-88. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)38421-5
Strand, J. P., K. Ezal, T. I. Fossen and P. V. Kokotovic (1998). Nonlinear Control of Ships: A Locally Optimal Design. 4th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design (NOLCOS), Enschede, The Netherlands, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(17), pp. 705-710. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)40420-4
Vik, B. and T. I. Fossen (1998). Direct Nonlinear Observer Design for Integration of DGPS and Strapdown Motion Sensors. 4th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Fukuoka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(30), pp. 161-165. Open Access /doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)38434-3
Aarset, M. F., J. P. Strand and T. I. Fossen (1998). Nonlinear Vectorial Observer Backstepping With Integral Action and Wave Filtering for Ships. 4th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Fukuoka, Japan, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31(30), pp. 77-82. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)38420-3
Vik, B. and T. I. Fossen (1997). Semiglobal Exponential Output Feedback Control of Ships. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 5(3), 360-370. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/87.572132
Conference Papers
Berge, S. P. and T. I. Fossen (1997). Robust Control Allocation of Overactuated Ships: Experiments With a Model Ship. 4th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Brijuni, Croatia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 30(22), pp. 193-198. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)46513-X
Fossen, T. I. and S. P. Berge (1997). Nonlinear Vectorial Backstepping Design for Global Exponential Tracking of Marine Vessels in the Presence of Actuator Dynamics. 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4237-4242. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.1997.649499
Husa, K. E. and T. I. Fossen (1997). Backstepping Designs for Nonlinear Way-Point Tracking of Ships. 4th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Brijuni, Croatia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 30(22), pp. 111-116. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)46499-8
Lauvdal, T. and T. I. Fossen (1997). Semi-global results on Stabilization of Linear Systems with Input Rate and Magnitude Saturations. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, New Orleans, USA. Preprintdoi.org/10.2514/6.1997-3631
Lauvdal, T. and T. I. Fossen (1997). Stabilization of Linear Unstable Systems With Control Constraints. 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4504-4509. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.1997.649680
Lauvdal, T. and T. I. Fossen (1997). Nonlinear Rudder-Roll Damping of Non-Minimum Phase Ships Using Sliding Mode Control. European Control Conference (ECC), Brussels, Belgium, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1689-1694. Preprintdoi.org/10.23919/ECC.1997.7082346
Lauvdal, T., R. M. Murray and T. I. Fossen (1997). Stabilization of Integrator Chains in the Presence of Magnitude and Rate Saturations: A Gain Scheduling Approach. 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 4004-4005. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.1997.652491
McGookin, E. U., D, J. Murray-Smith, Y. Li and T. I. Fossen (1997). Parameter Optimisation of a Nonlinear Tanker Control System Using Genetic Algorithms. 2nd IEE/IEEE International Conference on Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications, Glasgow, UK, IEEE Xplore, pp. 37-42. Preprintdoi.org/10.1049/cp:19971152
McGookin, E. U., D. J. Murray-Smith, Y. Li and T. I. Fossen (1997). Nonlinear Tanker Control System Parameter Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms. OCEANS '97. MTS/IEEE Conference, Halifax, NS, Canada, IEEE Xplore, pp. 17-22. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/OCEANS.1997.634328
Strand, J. P., A. J. Sørensen and T. I. Fossen (1997). Modelling and Control of Thruster Assisted Position Mooring Systems for Ships. 4th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Brijuni, Croatia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 30(22), pp. 187-192. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)46512-8
Sørensen, A. J., A. K. Ådnanes, T. I. Fossen and J. P. Strand (1997). A New Method of Thruster Control in Positioning of Ships Based on Power Control. 4th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Brijuni, Croatia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 30(22), pp. 199-206. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)46514-1
Fossen, T. I. (1996). Preface to the Special Section on Control Applications in Marine Systems. Control Engineering Practice 4(3), 341-343.
Fossen, T. I. and O.-E. Fjellstad (1996). Robust Adaptive Control of Underwater Vehicles: A Comparative Study. Modeling, Identification and Control 17(1), 47-61. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1996.1.5
Fossen, T. I., S. I. Sagatun and A. J. Sørensen (1996). Identification of Dynamically Positioned Ships. Control Engineering Practice 4(3), 369-376. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/0967-0661(96)00014-7
Fossen, T. I., S. I. Sagatun and A. J. Sørensen (1996). Identification of Dynamically Positioned Ships. Modeling, Identification and Control 17(2), 153-165. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1996.2.7
Lauvdal, T. and T. I. Fossen (1996). A Globally Stable Autopilot with Wave fFlter using only Yaw Angle Measurements. Modeling, Identification and Control 17(2), 107-119. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1996.2.4
Sørensen, A. J., S. I. Sagatun and T. I. Fossen (1996). Design of a Dynamic Positioning System Using Model Based Control. Control Engineering Practice 4(3), 359-368. Preprintdoi.org/10.1016/0967-0661(96)00013-5
Sørensen, A. J., S. I. Sagatun and T. I. Fossen (1996). Design of a Dynamic Positioning System Using Model Based Control. Modeling, Identification and Control 17(2), 135-151. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1996.2.6
Conference Papers
Grøvlen, Å. and T. I. Fossen (1996). Nonlinear Control of Dynamic Positioned Ships Using Only Position Feedback: A Observer Backstepping Approach. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Kobe, Japan, IEEE Xplore, pp. 3388-3393. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.1996.573679
Lauvdal, T. and T. I. Fossen (1996). Nonlinear Non-Minimum Phase Rudder-Roll Damping System for Ships Using Sliding Mode Control. IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, USA. Preprint
Fossen, T. I. (1995). Nonlinear Control of Underwater Vehicles. In: Yuh. J. Underwater Robotic Vehicles: Design and Control, TSI Press, Albuquerque.
Fossen, T. I. and O.-E. Fjellstad (1995). Nonlinear Modelling of Marine Vehicles in 6 Degrees of Freedom. International Journal of Mathematical Modelling of Systems 1(1), 17-27. Preprintdoi.org/10.1080/13873959508837004
Conference Papers
Fossen, T. I. and O.-E. Fjellstad (1995). Robust Adaptive Control of Underwater Vehicles: A Comparative Study. 3rd IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Trondheim, Norway, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 28(2), pp. 66-74. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)51653-5
Fossen, T. I., S. I. Sagatun and A. J. Sørensen (1995). Identification of Dynamically Positioned Ships. 3rd IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Trondheim, Norway, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 28(2), pp. 362-369. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)51695-X
Lauvdal, T. and T. I. Fossen (1995). A Globally Stable Adaptive Ship Autopilot With Wave Filter Using Only Yaw Angle Measurements. 3rd IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Trondheim, Norway, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 28(2), pp. 262-269. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)51680-8
Sørensen, A. J., S. I. Sagatun and T. I. Fossen (1995). Design of a Dynamic Positioning System Using Model Based Control. 3rd IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS), Trondheim, Norway, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 28(2), pp. 359-368. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/0967-0661(96)00013-5
Fjellstad, O.-E. and T. I. Fossen (1994). Position and Attitude Tracking of AUVs: A Quaternion Feedback Approach. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 19(4), 512-518. doi.org/10.1109/48.338387
Fjellstad, O.-E. and T. I. Fossen (1994). Comments on "The Attitude Control Problem. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 39(3), 699-700. doi.org/10.1109/9.280793
Fossen, T. I. and O.-E. Fjellstad (1994). Cascaded Adaptive Control of Marine Vehicles With Significant Actuator Dynamics. Modeling, Identification and Control 15(2), 81-91. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1994.2.2
Conference Papers
Fjellstad, O.-E. and T. I. Fossen (1994). Quaternion Feedback Regulation of Underwater Vehicles. 3rd IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Glasgow, UK, IEEE Xplore, pp. 857-862. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CCA.1994.381209
Fjellstad, O.-E. and T. I. Fossen (1994). Singularity-Free Tracking of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles in 6 DOF. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Orlando, Florida, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1128-1133 . Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/CDC.1994.411068
Fossen, T. I. and O.-E. Fjellstad (1994). An Introduction to Nonlinear Modeling and PID Control of Underwater Vehicles. Workshop on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Porto, Portugal.
Fossen, T. I. and T. Lauvdal (1994). Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Ship Autopilots in Sway, Roll and Yaw. 3rd IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Southampton, UK. Preprint
Paulsen, M. J., O. Egeland and T. I. Fossen (1994). An Output Feedback Controller with Wave Filter for Marine Vehicles. 13th American Control Conference (ACC), Baltimore, Maryland, IEEE Xplore, pp. 2202-2206. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ACC.1994.752466
Schjølberg, I. and T. I. Fossen (1994). Modelling and Control of Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator Systems. 3rd IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC), Southampton, UK, pp. 45-57. Preprint
Fossen, T. I. (1993). Comments on "Hamiltonian adaptive control of spacecraft" by J.J.E. Slotine and M.D. Di Benedetto. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 38(5), 671-672. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/9.250547
Fossen, T. I. and M. J. Paulsen (1993). Adaptive Feedback Linearization Applied to Steering of Ships. Modeling, Identification and Control 14(4), 229-237. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1993.4.4
Conference Papers
Fossen, T. I. (1993). High Performance Ship Autopilot With Wave Filter. 10th Ship Control System Symposium (SCSS), Ottawa, Canada, pp. 2271-2285. Preprint
Fossen, T. I., and O.-E. Fjellstad (1993). Cascaded Adaptive Control of Marine Vehicles With Significant Actuator Dynamics. 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, Australia, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 26(2), pp. 1123-1128. Open Access doi.org/10.1016/S1474-6670(17)48645-9
Fjellstad, O.-E., T. I. Fossen and O. Egeland (1992). Adaptive Control of ROVs with Actuator Dynamics and Saturation. Modeling, Identification and Control 13(3), 175-188. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1992.3.5
Conference Papers
Balchen, J. G. and T. I. Fossen (1992). Model Based Teleoperation of an Underwater Vehicle over a Narrow Band Communication Link - MOBATEL. International Advanced Robotics Programme (IARP) 4th Workshop on Underwater Robotics, Genova, Italy.
Fjellstad, O.-E., T. I. Fossen and O. Egeland (1992). Adaptive Control of ROVs with Actuator Dynamics and Saturation. 2nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), San Francisco, CA, USA. Preprint
Fossen, T. I. and M. J. Paulsen (1992). Adaptive Feedback Linearization Applied to Steering of Ships. 1st IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Dayton, OH, USA, pp. 1088-1093. Preprint
Fossen, T. I and B. A. Foss (1991). Sliding Control of MIMO Nonlinear Systems. Modeling, Identification and Control 12(3), 29-138. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1991.3.3
Fossen, T. I and S. I. Sagatun (1991). Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems: A Case Study of Underwater Robotic Systems. Journal of Robotic Systems 8(3). Preprintdoi.org/10.1002/rob.4620080307
Fossen, T. I. and S. I. Sagatun (1991). Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Underwater Robotic Systems. Modeling, Identification and Control 12(2), 95-105. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1991.2.4
Conference Papers
Fossen, T. I (1991). Adaptive Macro-Micro Control of Nonlinear Underwater Robotic Systems. 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), Pisa, Italy, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1569-1572. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICAR.1991.240508
Fossen, T. I and B. A. Foss (1991). Sliding Control of MIMO Nonlinear Systems. European Control Conference, Grenoble, France. Preprint
Fossen, T. I and J. G. Balchen (1991). The NEROV Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. OCEANS 91 , Honolulu, Hawaii, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1414-1420. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/OCEANS.1991.606498
Fossen, T. I and S. I. Sagatun (1991). Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Underwater Robotic Systems. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Sacaramento, CA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1687-1694. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ROBOT.1991.131862
Sagatun, S. I. and T. I. Fossen (1991). Lagrangian Formulation of Underwater Vehicles' Dynamics. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Charlottesville, VA, USA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1029-1034. Preprintdoi.org/10.1109/ICSMC.1991.169823
Sagatun, S. I. and T. I. Fossen (1991). The Norwegian Experimental Remotely Operated Vehicle (NEROV). ROV'91 Conference, Hollywood, FL, USA.
Sagatun, S. I. and T. I. Fossen (1991). The Norwegian Experimental Remotely Operated Vehicle (NEROV) - Hydrodynamic Properties. 7th International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology Conference, Durham, NH, USA.
Fossen, T. I. (1991). Nonlinear Modelling and Control of Underwater Vehicles. Doctoral thesis, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), June 1991.
Fossen, T. I. (1990). Adaptive Feedback Linearization of Non-linear Systems with Significant Actuator Dynamics. Modeling, Identification and Control 11(3), 169-179. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1990.3.4
Fossen, T. I. and J. G. Balchen (1988). Modeling and Non-Linear Self-Tuning Robust Trajectory Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Modeling, Identification and Control 9(4), 165-177. Open Access doi.org/10.4173/mic.1988.4.1
Fossen, T. I. (1987). Modeling and Simulation of Underwater Vehicles in 6 DOFs. MSc thesis, Department of Marine Technology, Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), October 1987.